Definition of Suicide bombing

1. Noun. A terrorist bombing carried out by someone who does not hope to survive it.

Generic synonyms: Bombing

Definition of Suicide bombing

1. Noun. An attack carried out by a suicide bomber or a group of them. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Suicide Bombing

sui juris
suicide Tuesday
suicide Tuesdays
suicide baiting
suicide batteries
suicide battery
suicide bomber
suicide bombers
suicide bombing
suicide bombings
suicide booth
suicide booths
suicide by cop
suicide door
suicide doors
suicide jockey
suicide king
suicide kings
suicide lane
suicide lanes
suicide mission
suicide note
suicide notes

Literary usage of Suicide bombing

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Moon-o-theism: Religion of a War and Moon God Prophet, Volume II of II by Yoel Natan (2006)
"When the numbers are tallied, suicide-bombing, like terrorism in general, is far more prevalent in Islamdom than in any other culture. ..."

2. Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1997 edited by Christopher W. Ross (1998)
"... a 30 July dual suicide bombing in a crowded Jerusalem market, which killed 16—including one US citizen—and wounded 178; and a 4 September triple suicide ..."

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